Camouflage for the Internet
Surf Incognito
Every Internet website administrator is able to collect information about those
who visit their site. Through your IP address it is possible to clearly determine
when you used what Internet service. By using "cookies", resourceful marketing
specialists create a profile of your surfing habits.
Put an end to this spying!!
Surf incognito and, from now on, determine for yourself, what information your
browser sends out.
ArchiCrypt Stealth alters your identity - every second if you want - and allows
you to determine what data may be sent and how this data should appear.
The content filter, an integrated module, uses highly flexible "plug-ins" to manipute
data as you specify. Anything is possible - from simply exchanging any text message
to removing harmful script components in Internet sites.
By blocking and falsifying incoming and outgoing cookies, website administrators can
no longer create your profile. Specify which pages you accept and simply
shut out unwanted advertizements.
ArchiCrypt Stealth uses an up-to-date database of known harmful programs
(adware, spyware, dialers, trojans ....) that gain access to your system via Browser.
Stealth removes dangerous components from the data stream - even before they are
displayed in Browser and can do their damage.
Proxy Collector is an extension that is available separately, and makes you independant
of prescribed lists of anonymous servers or the need for expensive subscriptions.
Collect lists yourself and pass them on in valid Stealth form.
ArchiCrypt Stealth provides all these functions through one, central, very transparent
and self-explanatory user interface.
It supports all browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Mozilla, Firefox, T-Online Browser, AOL, ...).